Ada Village Farmers Market Performance Recap
We had a blast at the Ada Village Farmers Market playing group songs and duets for shoppers and farmers! I was joined by Dr. Sarah Abbott Boerema and her students for a fun morning of fiddle duets.
I was so thrilled for my students to have an opportunity to play music outside of the Suzuki repertoire and to do so in such a casual setting. Before now, my students had only had recitals to perform at. My goal for the next school year is to increase the number of fun performance opportunities for my students so they aren’t all high-pressure situations like a recital.

Dr. B and I played duets for about an hour, and then we had our students play 6 group songs: Twinkle Variation A, Carnival in Rio and Bow River Fiddling from Magic Carpet Violin, Cabbages and Swallowtail Jig from Wee Violin, and Old MacDonald.
We are so thankful to the Ada Village Farmers Market for hosting us and can’t wait to go back next year!